Monday, November 17, 2014

Published Piece

It was Monday. Everyone's least favorite day. A day with waking up early, homework, and school. But lucky for me it was over. But what i did not know was something bad was going to happen. I was pretty bored. I was at safety post. The occasional person would walk but but not many. Then a car pulled up nearby. It was silver like my moms. Then my dad called me over. I was like "WHAT?". My dad said I was going home early. My mom was in the car too. I asked why they weren't at work. They said they got out early. When we got home I sat down on the couch. Then my parents sat down too. My dad said "You know how Aunt Linda has cancer". At the time my Aunt had cancer I responded "Yeah". Then he started talking about how she had cancer. Then he said "We'll yesterday she died at her house". I burst into tears. I cried for about ten minutes. Then my dad said that the funeral was that Friday.

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